Flint is the world, the world is Flint. From A like Adair to Z like Zimmerman.
Here is a list of all the street names of Flint that correspond to places somewhere else: a town, a village, a city, a county, a region, a state. These other places can be in the USA or in some other country. Some are very famous, some have strange names. Some are very large, some appear many times. Some were named after people, some remember historical events.
All the street names of Flint have been verified with atlases and dictionaries, both in paper and online. The names not corresponding to existing places have been eliminated from the following list. Geographical features such as mountains or rivers have not been included.
Use this list to discover how Flint contains the world.
_Search the web or your local library to find more about places such as Anzio or Knapp.
_Walk or drive towards any destination picked from that list to find out how Florence or Las Palmas look like in Flint.
_Look at the map of Flint to spot where Chesire or Lorraine are.
_Compare the many different Lakeview to be found in England, Canada or Australia.
Write on a post-it and annotate any comment or memory that some of these names trigger: you or your family might have moved to Flint from Monroe or Sloan or you might have spent a joyful summer in Sunshine or you have fond memories of your studies in Ann Arbor or you think Bluff has a funny name. Leave the notes around, so that others can read them.
_Dream or organize a trip to some of these places. It can be in Flint or far.
_Try to remember all the places where you have been, either in Flint or for real.
Flint World was presented at the 2017 edition of the Free City Festival, which took place the 18-19 of August 2017 at the Chevy Commons site (a former car factory).
FIG Projects participated to the 2015 edition with the project “DIAL-A-CITY” and to the 2016 edition with the project 10 Instructions to Explore Flint.
Pictures of the event by Lindsay Decker.