Urban visions

A university course about the representation of the city across media and disciplines. Edition 2025 at the Universidad de Navarra in Pamplona.

Architecture is an urban action.

The course analyzes a series of experiments of description and analysis of the urban environment that can be considered significant and original in the development of the intellectual and theoretical debate around architecture. The theoretical presentations and exercises will consider specific cases that have generated a paradigm shift in the vision of contemporary urban space, both for their ability to integrate different disciplines into their discourse, and for the fact of establishing a perspective capable of stimulating diverse and new evaluations about specific urban conditions and the role of architecture for its transformation.

The course proposes a series of description exercises, applied to the urban reality of Pamplona, where students will experiment with themes and techniques derived from the theoretical classes, generating innovative representations of the contemporary urban condition.

The edition 2025 of this course is being presented within the Máster Universitario en Teoría y Diseño Arquitectónico / Theory and Architectural Design, as visiting professors.


Download syllabus here, Programa Architectural theory EN FG15022025