11 interviews on Europe’s futurePart of the USE – Uncertain States of Europe research presented at the Triennale di Milano, the project gathers filmed interviews with experts from different fields about their perspective on the future of Europe. Marina Abramovic, Catherine David, Edward Luttwak, Ignacio Ramonet, Ferran Adriá, Dionigi Tettamanzi, Rem Koolhaas, Bruno Latour, Giancarlo De Carlo, Etienne Balibar and Luc Montaigner shared their views on arts, architecture, politics, labour, religion, health, food, information and geopolitics of a Europe to come.
Presented at the XX International Exhibition, Triennale di Milano, January 15 – March 20, 2002.
Published in Multiplicity, USE, Viaggio nell’Europa che cambia, Skira, Milan, 2003.